MOM!! She won't share!
MOM!! He's copying me!
MOM!! She's touching my toys!
Sometimes, I just want to change my name to "Helga" and hope that they stop tattling to me about every little problem they encounter. But I am partly to blame. I have gotten way too involved in their issues on a daily basis, that they have come to me hoping that I will correct, lecture or put someone in time-out!
One of the foundational ideas that make Love and Logic® so appealing is that we need to truly empathize with our children's dilemmas, but not solve their problems for them. Case in point. My 5-year-old comes to me and says, "He is laughing at me. I asked him to stop, but he keeps following me around and laughing at me." What I want to say (but it's way too inappropriate) is, "Then punch him and laugh at him!" I know - definitely inappropriate response. So here's what I've been saying, as a consultant parent as described in the Love and Logic Parent® class: "That is so frustrating. Do you want to know what I would do? If someone kept bothering me when I asked them to stop, I'd probably take a break from sharing my toys with them."
Then come the screams - from my 3-year-old instigator - because he knows that the power just shifted out of his hands and was handed over to my 5-year-old. Did I have to yell, scream, make threats or lecture? Nope. My 5-year-old came to me wanting me to correct and punish his little brother. Instead, I gave my son the best gift ever: the power to set his own limits. He doesn't need me to set limits for him; but he knows I'm available to give him ideas for how to set limits when his boundaries are not being respected.
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