So many times after I've lost it with my kids, I've asked myself, "Where did that come from?" Everything seemed fine and then I just seemed to have "snapped!" But if I am truthful with myself, then I know that there are warning signs I could have paid better attention to, knowing that the explosion could have been prevented or even minimized.
I know I'm on a slippery-slope-to-losing-my-cool when:
- I haven't had a decent amount of sleep: Whenever I stay up too late and try to be super-mom, I end up waking up irritable. I know it's going to be a rough day when I'm already murmuring to myself about how no one ever listens to me and all I ever do is repeat myself and I haven't even made breakfast yet.
- I haven't had any down-time: I need to have some time to myself, whether it's an hour to read at night before going to bed, time out with friends, a few hours to scrapbook - just any set aside time that is purely doing things I enjoy, not just meeting others' needs.
- Low blood-sugar: During three of my four pregnancies, I had gestational diabetes. I followed a strict diet which required me to eat every three hours, based on a calculated balance of carbs and proteins. I can literally feel myself becoming more irritable by the second if I don't eat and balance myself out.
- Engaging in power struggles: When I am trying to "one-up" a little one who is tantruming, by reacting to their out-of-control behavior, I am basically setting myself up to engage and lose in a power struggle that is not worth fighting.
- I'm distracted by the computer or cell phone: I have found that when I'm so consumed with email (responding) and texting, I get irritated with my kids for needing my attention. That's so shameful to admit, but I see other moms just as consumed by computers and texting and justifying it as "me" time. But if we're truly honest with ourselves, we often use that as an excuse to justify our desire to "escape" from reality. Is this what I want to pass on to my children? Is this how I want my grandchildren to be treated as well?

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