Do you hear that annoying Emergency Broadcast System testing buzzer noise in your ear? "This is only a test," the robotic voice says.
Life feels like a series of tests. One of the most encouraging aspects of the Love and Logic material is the fact that we're going to blow it, we're going to say something we later regret or mishandle a situation with our children simply because we allowed ourselves to get in the power struggle we're supposed to avoid! AAAH - so many concepts to remember, so many different scenarios - our brain can feel too tired to care anymore.
But here's the beauty.
Making mistakes is part of life. We are setting up a home where our children can make mistakes in a safe environment. Just the other day, I blew it with my kids. Lost patience and reverted to some old habits. I felt so frustrated with myself and then the condemning words came right on cue: "You'll never change. This will never work. You'll never learn how to parent better."
But how does change really come? In small steps. Isn't that how our children came into being, then began to smile, then on to crawling and then walking? Setbacks are normal.
So the next thing we can model is humility by apologizing, asking forgiveness, and moving forward in a more connected relationship. A good reminder to our kids what we're just as human and imperfect as they are.
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